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Koinonía – companionship – participation

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Koinonía – companionship – participation

Fellowship, participation, are synonymous with communion in the translation of the Greek word koinonía. Let’s look at its broadest meaning and correct use.

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. (Hch 2.42)

We have here another of the words not always well understood or misused, by most Christians: communion. In general, Catholics say we will take communion, to refer to the participation of the holy supper by remembering the death of the Lord Jesus. Evangelicals say we’re going to have communion, to say they’re going to be together for a while with other brothers.

But what does this word really mean? What is its biblical origin? It is repeated many times in the New Testament, so it is important to understand the life of the church.

Koninonía: companionship - participation

Koinonía is the Greek word that mostly translates into Spanish as communion. It literally means united participation. Even more broadly it is communion, close relationship, fraternity, sharing, participation, union, aid, contribution, companionship. In his verb it would also be to participate, contribute, help each other.

This word koinny translates into the New Testament not only as communion. There are other words and expressions that are used based on their context, but that because of a disrecognition on our part that their original is koinnía does not allow us to have the broad compression of their total meaning.

Communion, fellowship, participation

Let us therefore review the different forms of the Spanish translation of koinonía, to help us understand what we are saying.

Thus, in 2 Co 9.13, it literally translates as «contribution» and refers to the concrete contribution of one community in the needs in which another is located, in order to manifest the deep bond of love that unites them. Likewise in Ro 15.26, it translates as«contribution». And in 2 Corinthians 8.4, as«fellowship»in this service for the Saints. In He 13.16 (NIV), he stands out as«to share with others «.
in other passages, it indicates participation by faith in the life of Christ (1 Co 1.9), in the “participation” of his sufferings (Phil 3.10; NIV) and “partakers” or “to share”, in afflictions and in consolation (2 Co 1.7).
This term also points to participation in the body and blood of Christ, which takes place in the cup and in bread (1 Co 10:16; NIV). In Ga 2.9, it translatesas «fellowship»in terms of the work. And in 2 Pet 1.4, we are told that weare «partakers»or participants of the divine nature.

In short, we can affirm that in the context of the New Testament koinnía is a way of living, being, and acting, a relationship with God and with people who are in the same situation, with regard to God and us. Koinnía is communion, companionship, participation. To have fellowship is to be united, to participate together, to have fellowship, to be companions in the life and work of Jesus Christ. It is mutual help, sharing, also helping for needs, whether spiritual or material.

Then let us have fellowship with our brothers and sisters, let us have fellowship in the body of Christ. And our communion is with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.

"What we have seen and heard, that we announce unto you, that ye may also have fellowship with us; and our communion truly is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.» (1 Jn 1.3)




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